> > I don't think the IPS repos will disappear
> > soon.  In that memo it was
> > stated they are going to try to get a migration
> path
> > from Opensolaris
> > to Solaris 11 Express.  So until that bridge
> is
> > built, I believe they
> > will keep the current repo going.
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> i reread and i did overlook that part maybe it was
> the tears in my eyes were getting in the way;)
> quote:
> We will
> "determine a simple, cost-effective means of getting
> enterprise users
> of prior OpenSolaris binary releases to migrate to
> S11 Express."
> end quote
> in a way i'm glad that we are not being "cut off in a
> cold way" sounds like we are getting invited to
> participate:

Beware: given the recent behavior (and according to some,
plenty of history of similar behavior), I wouldn't take it for granted
that the prior quote offers any assurance of availability of Solaris 11 Express
to anyone _other_than_ "enterprise users", i.e. big spenders.
I hope I'm wrong.  But if Oracle doesn't even follow through on what they'd
said they'd do (at least one more release of the OpenSolaris distro), then
I would certainly not wish to read anything more into what they say than
the _least_ that it could mean.
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