>There's also a public good argument.  When you patent something, yes, you get 
>a temporary monopoly -- but the tradeoff is you have to publicly reveal it.  
>In the absence of patents, more technological advances would be treated as 
>trade secrets and kept out of the public eye.
>I do think there are a lot of abuses of the patent system, most of them 
>related to insufficient vetting of new patents and the expense of litigating 
>them later.  I think something like the patent system is necessary, though.

The length of the monopoly should be part of the discussion; I can see why
a patent for a medication should be as long as it is now, but for software
and perhaps hardware too, I'm thinking more of 5 years and not longer.

Also, the law should be changed to disallow patent trolls: if you don't 
ship or plan to ship a product using your patent, then clearly you're not 
suffering when someone else is using a similar invention.


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