I believe that some people has copyright conflicts with Oracle,
after they acquired SUN. While I tentatively understood it,
I believe that the best way to sort it out is finding some good
lawyer, and see what can be done if anything can be done at all.

My intention here is to move this discussion into slightly other
way - how to get Solaris binary bi-weekly builds?

As far as I understood Oracle, they plan to release Solaris 11,
Solaris 11 Express, and after some time to release code (after
one year, two years, who knows). What we can do is to develop
a community around this source code, and add plenty of other
open source software in it.

After some time they will release Solaris 11 Express b2, then
b3, and so on (binary only!) . We will stay on-track and pick-up
all open source code they release after they return their
investment in development. Then it could be available as somethingconsidered as 
a public good, so anyone could use.

We could also ask Oracle to give us right on OpenSolaris name, but
this time it will be the binary release and open sourced code well
behind Oracle's current development and current Solaris 11 Expressbuilds. 
Except, it will have all other open source ported on it
that community is able to do it.

I strongly believe that this business model could survive and that
ORACLE will understand it and support it! Resources we ask are almost
ineligible - OpenSolaris trademark, opensolaris.org website and
one cabinet of SUN SPARC/X86 servers so we could compile each newOpenSolaris 
release, port new applications and conduct testing.

As once I already said - if Larry wants to enter into charity
area as he said, this could be great opportunity for him, especially
this move could generate revenue for his company on a longer term in
future even if he doesn't know/understand it now! (through community-based
innovation, contribution and expanding Solaris eco-system)

Uros NedicBelgrade, Serbia                                        
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