Andre Lue <> writes:

> Hi Harryp,
> The motherboard you listed (GIGABYTE GA-890GPA-UD3H) does not support
> ECC type memory. So to follow Erik's guidance to use ECC ram you would
> have to find a different motherboard that does support ECC type
> memory.

Thanks for the info.
> see: Memory  supported non-ECC

That helped find something on the build list:

ASUS M4A88TD-M /USB3,AMD 880G, Onboard Video

But it still specifies unbuffered.  Does that matter so much.

I've read in other posts what it means and  I understood it to
mean that the data is buffered before release.

What actually happens during that buffering... I'm not so sure.

Some good news is that apparently both of the 16 gb memory sets appear
to offer both ECC and NON-ecc.

Maybe you can say if that is what it means here:

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