> OK I have a multi-boot situation to and this might
> not help you but I decided to buy a new blank hard
> drive and try something.
> It came NTFS instead of deleting it and preparing new
> partitions as I had done previously I decided to
> shrink it and add ZFS and UFS primary. This was
> actually show as partition0,partition1 and
> partition2. I loaded Windows7 in partition0 and
> opensolaris 2009-06 into the single hard drive no
> problem. Next I loaded Ubuntu.com 10.1. This actually
> involved some slice manipulation.It lost the ubuntu
> grub but stays in opensolaris grub so  the other two
> OS levels are bootable but the whole device stays in
> an apparent write through state. So I booted into
> ubuntu which I had available in another hd through
> bios switching.
To me it looks like you have multiple GRUBs installed on different partitions 
and boot time is almost like a roll of the dice which one gets read and which 
OS loaded.
But I'll consider what you suggested about shrinking the NTFS to live alongside 
ZFS and UFS. Windoze has its own disk on my desktop and OSol has its own 
physical disk, they aren't sharing space.
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