> OK I got mine found again to although its hard to
> explain. This new drive was hd2,the new linux native
> grub with the windows7 mbr bumped hd1 grub which had
> neither OS.So I went back to a hd2  priority listing
> in the bios changing it from hd1 on piority list and
> started editing the opensolaris grub which was
> priviously installed there. An hd1,0 edit brought
> back the grub new linux grub. Switching bios priority
> to hd3 yeilds old linux grub. So now everything is
> accesible through either a hd2 prority or hd3
> priority but still having to switch in bios.
> Sorry thats wrong also had to make edit hd1,3 for old
> linux grub. The switched priority is either hd1 or
> hd2 in bios.
> The rootnoverify reference at hd1 is hd0,0. 
> I guess thats running as either a primary master or a
> bootable slave so the bios switch is still used and
> possible has something to do with World Wide Name of
> hd2 since its the only drive that has one in this
> machine.

Also had found during research on my problem with dual boot that certain PC 
makers won't allow booting from non- Windows partitions in their BIOS. To make 
matters look worse, those same manufacturers offer PC systems with open source 
OS's on them.
So, did you find a solution to your problem jek-0004?
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