On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 7:45 PM, k\o\w <k...@sapinski.com> wrote:
> .. OpenSim will never be a replacement for what the Linden grid
> provides, and is a wonderful tool that I hope a lot of client devs are
> using to enhance their development process. ...

And of course since OpenSim is dirt cheap a company that is thinking
about doing SL can

1 stand up a box with XAMPP and DIVA
2 do a test deploy and see the lay of the land
3 A get boots on the grid and get going
3 B talk to Linden Labs about a Nevada server

And since companies now a days need to minimize "sunk assets" and
maximize ROI this does go a long way (in fact with some TPVs they can
actually export anything built and only need to do minor fixes)
Robert L Martin
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