On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 3:41 PM, New Hax <newh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> anyways im done here, Linden Labs is going to close the code and
> become big brother. Just watch. I thought i'd come out of lurking but
> i guess that was the wrong idea. have a good time while SL swirls
> around the drain when it could be taking the world over, used
> everywhere like the web, if it were truly open.

GPL code doesn't mean abandoning personal property in anything the
project touches. That's the strawman position of hack bloggers and the
dream of looters. I'm sorry that anyone's actually bought into it, or
thinks that anyone with anything to contribute to this project would
support it.

GPL depends on copyright - recognition of intellectual property - for
enforcement. To maintain that copyright doesn't apply where money
isn't changing hands is to say that the GPL isn't enforceable. And it
sure as hell is.

This has drifted pretty far off topic. Rest assured that IP applies,
and that even if it didn't owing to some odd loophole - we would
enforce the same rules with the ToS. The resi content creators, and
their participation in a micropayment economy, is one of the biggest
factors that drove Second Life to have the wealth of content that you
enjoy today.
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