I tried to compile OpenSSL using MinGW on Linux, but I could not do this. I've tried to modify configurations, converting ms/mingw.bat to ms/mingw.sh, removing the translation of / into \, and more...

For reference. Occasional mingw tests are performed with Unix build procedure nowadays. I mean forget about ms/mingw.bat and stick to Unix procedure. We probably should remove ms/mingw.bat and omit corresponding section from INSTALL.W32.

Before I making too much modifications,
Have anyone succeeded in doing so?

I do it routinely.

1. Modify Configure script, adding target mingw-cross
(this all should go into one line)
 "mingw-cross", "i586-mingw32msvc-gcc:-mno-cygwin -DL_ENDIAN

Can you test if './Configure mingw' followed by 'make CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc RANLIB=i586-mingw32msvc-ranlib' works? I mean question is if it's possible to achieve the goal without adding extra target...

2. Modify Makefile shared so it would call
util/mkdef.pl script. and add generated .def file to linking command
Note that DEF file should contain correct DLL name, not just crypteay32
mingw32 builds libcrypto-0.9.8.dll, and this name should exactly appear
in the .def file

If it's reusable on real mingw and cygwin, then it makes sense to throw it in. A.
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