From: "Green, Paul" <>

> > What seems (to me) to be needed in these cases is some macro or
> > typedef which is an integer whose size is reliably the same as
> > that of a pointer, which size_t is not. =20
> Hi Steve, Please take a look at your copy of stdint.h.  See if you have
> a definition for the "intptr_t" and "uintptr_t" types.

   Around here, they're in <inttypes.h>.  (We don't have to show you any
stinking <stdint.h>!)

> The POSIX standard(*) says "The following type designates a signed
> integer type with the property that any valid pointer to void can be
> converted to this type, then converted back to a pointer to void, and
> the result will compare equal to the original pointer: intptr_t."  Ditto
> for uintptr_t, except that it is unsigned.
> The standard also says that intptr_t and uintptr_t are required on
> XSI-conformant systems; otherwise, they are optional. So you might have
> to define _XSI_SOURCE to make their declarations visible.
> It seems to me that this data type is just what you (and OpenSSL) are
> looking for.  Hope this info helps.

   You might think so, but, in its boundless wisdom, DEC/Compaq/HP has
implemented these things in an unfortunate way:

**  Declare [un]signed integral types large enough to hold any pointer.
#if !defined(__VAX)
   typedef int64_t intptr_t;
   typedef uint64_t uintptr_t;
   typedef int32_t intptr_t;
   typedef uint32_t uintptr_t;

So, on a non-VAX (64-bit-capable) system, these types are _always_ 64
bits, irregardful of the actual pointer size.  This leads to annoying
complaints like %CC-I-INTCONSTTRUNC (and friends) when trying to get
from one of these types back to a 32-bit pointer.  I sent a complaint
about this to HP back in 2009, but the responding Indian didn't see it
as a problem, so I gave up.  (And even if they did fix it now, many old
systems would be stuck with the problem, so it's mostly hopeless.)

   Because of these sorry facts, I see no easy way to avoid adding and
using an OpenSSL-defined type, although on most systems, "intptr_t"
would seem to be an ideal value to use for the thing.

> (*) The POSIX-2008 standard is online at
>  You must
> pre-register to view it, but the registration step carries no charge and
> is simple to perform.

   Thanks for the link.  Perhaps I'll forward that to HP when I get
sufficiently bored.

   On a different point, a closer look at the 64-bit-pointer test
results shows a problem on Alpha (but not on IA64) somewhere in the "CMS
=> PKCS#7 compatibility test" sequence.  Perhaps some file I/O thing? 
The perl script doesn't seem to handle an explosion here very well.  A
search for "fail" in the test results transcript won't detect the
absence of an "ALL TESTS SUCCESSFUL" message, making it easy for a
casual inspection to miss this kind of failure.


   Steven M. Schweda               sms@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547
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