From: Arpadffy Zoltan <>

> > I seem to have 1.0.0d builds working on VMS
> Great news, I would be happy to try the build with your changes.
> Could you please send some instructions where the patch can be found?
> Or it would be the best to post the diffs here, making available for Richar=
> d to merge into the code.

   As I've explained, the stuff I have is not what I'd want in the
official code, so I haven't produced a real patch kit, but you might try

That's a "zip -w" ("store file version numbers") archive which should
include all the new or changed files.  If you have your source code in a
"[.openssl-1_0_0d...]" directory tree, then "unzip -V" ("retain VMS
version numbers") should put these files (with their higher version
numbers) over the originals without destroying anything.  (If your
directory name is different, then you'll need to move/rename or copy the
new files to where you want them.)

   Note that I didn't try to test all of the new explicit-32-bit
descriptor code.  If the normal tests hit it, then it's been tested.  If
not, then it hasn't.  It all looked plausible, and the compiler was
happy, but I don't promise anything.  Those changes should all be
invisible in a 32-bit-pointer build, so any new problems should be
confined to a 64-bit-pointer environment.

   If you try to use the new zlib stuff, then you'll need to have an
appropriate zlib object library available.  The VMS builders in the
standard zlib kit don't have a 64-bit-pointer option, so you'll need to
do some editing there.  I haven't tried using a LIBZ.OLB with the wrong
pointer size.  The OpenSSL builders trust the user, and don't try to
check anything.  I assume that something will explode, but I don't know
what or where.

   Wake me when it catches fire.


   Steven M. Schweda               sms@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547
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