On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 10:55:46AM +0200, Itay Zandbank wrote:
>   I was hoping I could keep ignoring this entire bio issue, because I didn't
> find it all that exciting, and because I'm not sure m2crypto (a lowlevel
> Python wrapping of the OpenSSL library) supports it.

In M2Crypto.SSL.Connection, line 173:

    def makefile(self, mode='rb', bufsize='ignored'):
        # XXX Need to dup().
        return BIO.IOBuffer(BIO.BIO(self.sslbio), mode)

The 'ignored' default parameter and "XXX" in the comment intimates this
bit really needs improvement, but this method does turn an SSL socket
into a buffering BIO which is made available to you as a Python file-like

Ng Pheng Siong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * http://www.post1.com/home/ngps

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