> No. I don't like blocking sockets because it's very hard to get them 
> >right....

Experience, how EASY it could be done in nonblocking mode is what i'm currently 
correlating with your words.

... let's cut this this thread. I've droped idea of using third party 
components and now i'm writing code at lowest level. But it not takes to long 
to stuck at some point. Here is my problem:

When connection is in non-blocking mode 'SSL_read' and 'SSL_write' can return 
'SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE' or 'SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ'. This means that command should 
be repeated some time later. In unix environment you can use 'select' statement 
to block until desired condition is valid. On unix you can have 2 handles - one 
socket and one pipe(for communication from another thread), so 'select' blocks 
until one of the following events 
is met:

1.'Read' from the socket is signaled(data on the wire)
2.'Read' from the pipe is signaled(user wants to send something)
3.'Write' from to socket is signaled(socket is ready to send data, obtained 
   first from user by pipe)

and this example is covered for example in 's_client.c' file in openSSL source 
tree. (or in examples from ....) But unfortunataly it is not valid under 
windows. 'select' function under windows accepts only sockets from the same 
provider(TCP provider in my example), so you cannot mix pipes and sockets in 
the same 'select' statement. So if you want use 'select' you have to choices: 

1. use 'select' with time intervals and poll the pipe (LAME)
2. open internal TCP connection from thread to another (VERY LAME)

Windows has special API to deals with such kind of architecture. There are two 
main functions: WSAAsyncSelect and WSAEventSelect (and helper functions). I'm 
using secon one. It works like this:

1. WSAEventSelect associates network events from some socket with event object. 
When some those events occurs on the socket (for example: FD_READ,FD_WRITE...) 
windows signals event object.

2. User creates own event object and signals it when he wants to send some data

3. Communication thread invokes WaitForMultipleObjects function with socket 
event and user event as arguments. Function blocks until there is something to 
do (read data, send data, etc.)

It works good (for unencrypted sockets of course) but unfortunately in another 
way then someone may think. 'select' statement returns immediately when desired 
condition is met - for example you are waiting for some data to arrive and this 
data arrives 'select' returns, if you will not read this data and you will 
invoke 'select' again it returns immediately because there is still data to 
read. The same is for write. 'select' returns if there is possibility to send 
data. For windows events it works like this: Thread is waiting for read 
condition to be met - for example it is waiting for some data to arrive. Data 
arrives, and thread weaks up. It signals that there is some data, but if you 
will not read this data and You will decide
to wait again thread will not wake up !!! Windows supposes that you were 
noticed about some event and there is no need to notice you again. For write 
event it is much worst. Windows supposes that you can always write to socket 
and only when some special error occurs (WSAEWOULDBLOCK) it signals possibility 
to write when problem disappears. In practice it is more complicated, socket 
functions (send,recv) change internally some states.
It is written in windows help files how it works (check MSDN for detailed 
It works good if you have control over issued commands. But if you are using 
third party components like openSSL which use some functions internally 
(recv,send) it is very complicated to predict behaviour of code. For example if 
return value from SSL_write is SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE
what should I do? if SSL_write failed because send(used internally by openSSL) 
has returned WSAEWOULDBLOCK then I can wait for FD_WRITE condition to be met, 
but if it has failed from another reason waiting function will block.... I 
don't known which socket functions are issued by openSSL command, how many 
times and what are the error codes.
It,s ill, really ill..... I have no force to write.... 
(I have some idea how it could be done (mix wit 'select') but first i try to 
ask someone)

David, do you have any reference example how it should be done in windows 



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