Hi Sander, 

Thank you for your elaborate response. It has helped me a great deal.

A follow-up question-

> fookey
> fookey_certreq
> fookey_selfcert
> The first one looks a lot like a private key, but it is a dummy key.  This is 
> the key file you pass to the OpenSSL library.  It looks so much like a 
> private key, that the library will just use it.  However, when you use it 
> with the CHIL engine registered, and the Hardware Crypto Hook library loaded, 
> the Hardware Crypto Hook library will find embedded (hence 'embed') in the 
> private exponent value for that dummy key a pointer to the real key, 
> protected by the nCipher Security World and saved under the Key Management 
> Data folder. 

I try loading the private key 'fookey' using - ENGINE_load_private_key( e, 
"fookey", NULL, NULL );  but it fails. This key was generated like you said, to 
be of application type "embed".
However, if I try to load a key of type "hwcrhk", it succeeds with no changes 
to the rest of the code. (Still using CHIL engine, and as a pre-command to the 
engine I've set SO_PATH to be the location of the hwcrhk dll).

The other part- SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file( sslCtx, 
PATH_TO_fookey_selfcert ); seems to be working as the function returns a value 
of 1.

>> 2. My private key is ultimately protected by a smart-card pass-phrase. At 
>> which step is the pass phrase supplied and how by an application that is 
>> making use of the OpenSSL (CHIL) engine API?
> OpenSSL, CHIL and the Hardware Crypto Hook library lack the capability to 
> prompt for smart cards and passphrases.  You need to start your OpenSSL 
> program out of the nCipher preload utility.  Run preload --help to find out 
> which options are available.  

So I'm using module-protected keys for now. But later on once I want to use 
card-protected keys, I'll look into the pre-commands or post-commands for 
specifying the passphrase to the engine.

> Note that you can contact Thales technical support as part of your support 
> contract.  They also sell Developer Support to help you with your code.

I tried, but this seems to be faster and more effective :)

Thanks again, 

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