Chris Friesen <> wrote on 04/25/2014 12:23:00 

> I'm looking to add support for server groups to heat.  I've got working 
> code, but I thought I'd post the overall design here in case people had 
> objections.
> Basically, what I propose is to add a "class NovaServerGroup" resource. 
>   Currently it would only support a "policy" property to store the 
> scheduler policy for the server group.  The scheduler policy would not 
> support updating on the fly.
> The "LaunchConfiguration" and "Instance" classes would be extended with 
> an optional "ServerGroup" property.  In the "Instance" class if the 
> "ServerGroup" property is set then the group name is added to the 
> scheduler_hints when building the instance.
> The "Server" class would be extended with an optional "server_group" 
> property.  If it is set then the group name is added to the 
> scheduler_hints when building the server.
> All in all, its around a hundred lines of code.
> Any comments?

Sounds exactly right to me, and timely too.

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