Zane Bitter <> wrote on 04/25/2014 12:36:00 PM:

> On 25/04/14 12:23, Chris Friesen wrote:
> ...
> > The "LaunchConfiguration" and "Instance" classes would be extended 
> > an optional "ServerGroup" property.  In the "Instance" class if the
> > "ServerGroup" property is set then the group name is added to the
> > scheduler_hints when building the instance.
> -1 for making changes to AWS resources. These only exist for portability 

> from/to CloudFormation; if people want to use OpenStack-only features 
> then they should use the native resource types.

Oh yes, I overlooked that in my enthusiasm.  Good catch.

> In the case of autoscaling, I'd say you probably want to add the 
> property to e.g. InstanceGroup rather than to the LaunchConfiguration. 
> (I guess this will become somewhat academic in the future, as I believe 
> the plan for new native autoscaling resources is to have the launch 
> configuration defined as part of the scaling group.)

Two of our current four kinds of group have already dispatched 
LaunchConfig to,
well, pick your favorite from
As pointed out above, one of the two LaunchConfig-philes, 
should be left alone.  That leaves OS::Heat::InstanceGroup --- which is, 
in the Python, a superclass
of the AWS ASG --- so it would be oddly irregular to add something to 
InstanceGroup but not the AWS ASG.
More important is Zane's following question.

> > The "Server" class would be extended with an optional "server_group"
> > property.  If it is set then the group name is added to the
> > scheduler_hints when building the server.
> Given that we already expose the scheduler_hints directly, can you talk 
> about why it would be advantageous to have a separate property as well? 
> (e.g. syntax would be really finicky?)

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