On 25/04/14 13:50, Chris Friesen wrote:
On 04/25/2014 11:01 AM, Mike Spreitzer wrote:
Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com> wrote on 04/25/2014 12:36:00 PM:

 > On 25/04/14 12:23, Chris Friesen wrote:

More important is Zane's following question.

 > > The "Server" class would be extended with an optional "server_group"
 > > property.  If it is set then the group name is added to the
 > > scheduler_hints when building the server.
 > Given that we already expose the scheduler_hints directly, can you
 > about why it would be advantageous to have a separate property as
 > (e.g. syntax would be really finicky?)

I was thinking it'd be more intuitive for the end-user (and more
future-proof if novaclient changes), but maybe I'm wrong.

In the version I have currently it looks something like this:

     type: OS::Nova::Server
       name: cirros1
       image: 'cirros'
       flavor: 'm1.tiny'
       server_group: { get_resource: my_heat_group }

In the nova boot command we pass the group uuid like this:

--hint group=e4cf5dea-4831-49a1-867d-e263f2579dd0

If we were to make use of the scheduler hints, how would that look?
Something like this?  (I'm not up to speed on my YAML, so forgive me if
this isn't quite right.)  And how would this look if we wanted to
specify other scheduler hints as well?

     type: OS::Nova::Server
       name: cirros1
       image: 'cirros'
       flavor: 'm1.tiny'
       scheduler_hints: {"group": { get_resource: my_heat_group }}

Something like that (I don't think you need the quotes around "group"). Or, equivalently:

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      name: cirros1
      image: 'cirros'
      flavor: 'm1.tiny'
        group: { get_resource: my_heat_group }

- ZB

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