Op maandag 21 december 2015 04:27:40 schreef Andreas Färber:
> Am 17.12.2015 um 13:04 schrieb Freek de Kruijf:
> > I tested the latest released Tumbleweed image for the Raspberry Pi 2B,
> > Build354.2 which shows a black screen and does not boot at all, same as
> > the
> > latest one from Staging, which is from a few days back.
> > 
> > Currently there are no working Tumbleweed images for any of the Raspberry
> > Pi systems. Is there anything I can do, apart from testing the latest
> > images?
> Yes.
> "Black screen" and "does not boot" do not help getting it fixed.
> Buy yourself a cheap UART adapter (less than 4 EUR for 3.3 V!) and post
> concrete error output if something is not working. A good report is half
> the fix!

Dear Andreas,

Maybe I can find such a device, but I have no idea how to connect it to my 
system to get some characters on a screen.

I restrict myself to getting all the images for the Raspberry Pi 1B and 2B 
from http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/ARM:/Factory:/Contrib:/

Should I use another source for the images.

After putting an image on the (micro-)SD card I test the image with a 
connected HDMI screen and an Ethernet cable, so I can watch how the system 
boots. When I report a black screen, this means I do not seen ANY information 
on the HDMI screen. It does not boot means I do not see the Ethernet 
connection coming up.

Furthermore I can change files on the SD card in case this is relatively 
simple. Putting a new kernel on it is beyond my capabilities. I do realize I 
am part of the team, but I have limited capabilities. Reporting about what 
works and not is about all I can do. After that I hope I am quite willing to 
regularly follow a cookbook type of procedure and report about the results. I 
once did something quite simple in OBS.


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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