On 5 октября 2012 11:46:17 Luiz Fernando Ranghetti wrote:
> 2012/10/5 Flashbang <fle...@gmail.com>:
> > I want to translate the manual into a Chinese version , but the wiki
> > page " Documentation Contribute " gets me dizzy for it tells little
> > about how . Anyone could help me ? Thanks!
> Hi,
> The 'official' workflow to translate the documentation manual is to
> translate the 'en' xml files on the openSUSE SVN
> http://svn.opensuse.org/viewvc/opensuse-doc/trunk/documents/distribution/
> -> for visualization
> Or if you are not comfortable translating xml files and prefer .po
> files I have a 'not official' server with .po files managed at
> www.vertaal.com.ar
> In any way, its a huge task ;-)


how i add Russian team to openSUSE Guides & Manuals project?

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