On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 11:26:46PM +0100, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> Am Freitag, 17. März 2006 18:05 schrieb Marcel Hilzinger:
> > Can anybody explain me in 2-3 sentences, howto setup the new
> > replacement for Suse watcher? Or point me to the right documentation?

> While at it, could some kind soul explain me, what the mono folks from 
> ximian consume during work while producing all those *.exe and *.dll 
> files?
> Is that just a (plain stupid IMHO) convention, or does producing c# 
> programs with mono mean, we already infected by the win* bork virus.

Lean back and just think that it would be exactly like 
in the process list.

.exe is just a file extension.

The programs are written with UNIX in mind, especially zmd and zen-updater

Ciao, Marcus

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