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>   The packagers have started already with the first packages, we want
>   to discuss the timeframe for the move and the move of GNOME to /usr
>   (from /opt/gnome).

I really like this move.  I am just concerned that there will not be
enough time in the current schedule to complete the entire task.

> * SuSEconfig removal
>   SuSEconfig is currently run after each package installation by YaST
>   and is a huge bottleneck.  Some scripts have already been removed
>   and we have to discuss how to move on.

I agree with this.  I think the changes needed should be done at the time.
I dislike the running of this script all the time.

> * update messages general/conditional (e.g. bind)
>   During update of packages they could notify users about changes via
>   email and/or the SuSEplugger (until 10.0, this is not anymore in
>   10.1).  Most of these are outdated and not really usefull anymore
>   and should be removed.  The question is how to handle situations
>   like bind where config files get rewritten and the user should be
>   informed if this fails.

I prefer the email notification.  I would like to see the few situations
where config files change that an email is sent to root.

> * Linker Options and Optimizations
>   We plan to use the recently developed linker optimizations for the
>   GNU hashstyle and use the readonly relocations:
>   LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=both"
>   (http://lwn.net/Articles/192082/ )
>   LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z relro"
>   (see http://people.redhat.com/drepper/nonselsec.pdf)

I think this is a good move.  Also I prefer the dropping of UP kernel.  I
like having things as close to the same as possible.  I think the
advantages out way the disadvantages.


- --
ZENEZ   1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah  84047
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
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