
on Montag, 2. August 2010, Robert Lihm wrote:
> We currently work on a openSUSE PR-Kit which will contain a standard
>  project flyer. The flyer give some basic informations about the
>  openSUSE Project etc.

Some findings in random order:

- the green back side (aka page 1, middle column in the PDF) should 
  contain the openSUSE logo. Maybe small, at the bottom?

- some linebreaks on this page are unfortune:
  - the link to Portal:Support should be in one line.
    Idea: "For help and support, check out ..."
  - if possible, an-nouncement shouldn't be split to two lines

- all headlines should be in Cholla / 5th leg

- the "Join the Project" column has too much free space ;-)
  Does anyone have an idea what we could put there?

- BTW: http://en.opensuse.org/How_to_Participate is redirected to a 
  Portal: - please include the Portal: link

- BTW 2: looks like we need an openSUSE URL shortener ;-)

- The column "Operating System" starts with an explanation of the 
  project. That's somewhat unexpected and makes the headline misleading.

- hmm, maybe that solves the question how to fill the middle column:
  - move the first half of the "Operating system" column to the middle 
  - headline of middle column: "The openSUSE Project"
  - sub-headline of the middle column: "Join us!", followed by the 
    current "Join the Project" text
  - and fill the left column with some more text or another screenshot.

- page order: is it intentional that "Free software" is the first you 
  see when opening the flyer (aka a more prominent page)?
  - con: we "waste" a more prominent page with "generic stuff".
    I would place the distribution there.
  - pro: openSUSE wouldn't exist without free software
  - pro: it allows to have distribution/project/build service nearby
    on the inner pages
  It's probably a matter of taste if the "Free software" page should be 
  moved or not.

- image size and positioning: the "stair-like" positioning looks good, 
  but the build service screenshot is too high when compared to the left 
  and middle picture. 
  (The other question is if the positioning can be kept after applying 
  my proposals ;-)

Spelling errors (at least those I found):

- "How to join us":
  - an-nou_cments should be an-nou_n_cements

- "Free software":
  - second paragraph, second line: "an" should be "an_d_"
  - please add an empty line above "There are four theses"
  - last line: "to an better" should be "to a better" (a/an is not 
    followed by [aeiou])

- spelling question: is "Join the _P_roject" really correct or should it 
  "project" be lowercase? (to be answered by a native english speaker)
  Same question for "openSUSE _P_roject" at multiple places.

- related: case handling of all headlines should be equal. Currently 
  "Free _s_oftware" doesn't match the scheme.


Christian Boltz
> über browser?, wie wärs mit (ISDN)Telefon - ich hab da reboot und
> rcsmpppd restart
Habe ich mir auch schon überlegt! Aber die Vorstellung war dann doch
etwas komisch: "Ja, Schatz! Ich komme gleich ins Bett! Muss nur noch
kurz meinen Router (unterm Tisch) anrufen, damit er runterfährt!"
[> Andre Fischer und Michael Frank in suse-linux]
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