On Tuesday 07 September 2010 03:32:30 Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) 
>   Στις 07/09/2010 06:59 πμ, ο/η Rajko M. έγραψε:
> > On Monday 06 September 2010 08:24:12 Kostas Boukouvalas wrote:
> >> We currently have me and only one more person with fluent English in
> >> our resurrected greek team.
> > 
> > It is important to understand that English is the most common language,
> > but we trying to make people aware that they can translate from any
> > language they know. Just check article accuracy. Some are translated
> > long ago and not updated, other can be translated partially, just a part
> > that was interesting to translator.
> > 
> > Also you can use Google translations to create basic translations that
> > can be improved by people that know English.
> English is the most common language but we want to have everything in
> Greek since there are people who don't understand English and some don't
> understand English computer terms. 

Accent in my comment was on other languages, not on English :) 
You can find people that can use http://de.opensuse.org as a source.
German should be more common foreign language in Greece. 

> We also want some people to solve
> problems in Greek. 

Which is our goal too. 
Five years ago when old http://old-en.opensuse.org was created, it was set 
that translations will go from English to other languages, in other words 
other language wikies would be just translations. Then, year after I stumbled 
on http://de.opensuse.org/Midnight_Commander that was not present in English 
wiki and create http://old-en.opensuse.org/Midnight_Commander . 
Ever since I advocate idea to treat all wikies as equivalent source of 

Then another year after came guy that wanted to translate wiki, but using 
http://ru.opensuse.org as source. He was good in Russian and not so good in 
English, but rules of translation were talking about translating from English. 
I had no objections, no one else commented and he did few pages. Problems he 
had made me think how to make translation just translation, not translation 
and creation of the wiki. 

Now, another 3 years after we are creating new wiki and rules that should 
cover both cases. This will create much more work for us, but it will be 
easier to find volunteers to translate, as required skills will be only 
language skills and minimal wiki skills, not advanced as it was before.

> Here the Ubuntu community, after they created their Greek forum, they
> exploded the distro to the top. They are too many people who can solve
> problems in Greek. 
> But I agree that we must check how's the wiki written and develop it
> (personally I don't know to use/write to the wiki).

For basic use it is easy, for advanced use it can be complicated, but we are 
trying to create pages in the way that is supportive for people with basic 
wiki skills, to encourage people to start writing. Once you try and learn few 
formatting characters, you will see that is easy. 

Henne mentioned http://languages.opensuse.org . 
That wiki is in the beginning. 
I didn't transfer all basic files, but that is matter of days that will be 

Next step will be to isolate strings, that have to be translated, so that we 
can prepare pages for translation, which will make translation even easier, as 
you, or any other translator, will have not to think about where to put 
article, what category to use to group them together, etc. Just enter article 
and start replacing English with Greek. 

Once you are done with translation we can update http://el.opensuse.org to the 
newest MediaWiki version, translate few more things, if necessary, move all 
translations there and you will have basic wiki in Greek, with advantage that 
you don't have to manage server, MediaWiki software updates, testing and 
adding extensions, but only to think about content. 

> When a person comes to my LUG, they install him/her Ubuntu because
> he/she can find help on their forum. Personally I think that if the new
> user has problem, he/she will call the person that did the installation
> to ask for help. 

Agree. That is the reason to have http://languages.opensuse.org and other 
servers listed in http://languages.opensuse.org/Help:Language_wikis .

As a side note, http://languages.opensuse.org/Help:Translation will see some 
changes in the next days, so don't take everything there as set in stone. What 
I wrote above is in general how it will work, but even that can see some 
changes in details of translation workflow. 

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