A couple of thoughts about the current etherpad document for the conference.

I'm not sure that 'one size fits all' and wonder if I could develop a
second document; have this one as it's current broad, general coverage
with a little more beginner explanation, for 'general use' and
beginner or general news sites, and develop a second more targetted to
advanced users with coding knowledge/sysadmins/developers.

A clearer idea of where the document is to be used would help to keep
the wording on target. (my impression when we started was a sort of
advertising brochure). As I said, I'm happy to develop a separate
document if this would be helpful. I was thinking about this because a
lot of the stuff singing the praises of openSUSE or explaining tech
terms is somewhat superfluous to advanced users - they will want to
focus on the more hands-on stuff and the bleeding edge tech.

Beginner users: Jos mentions explaining some points (eg upstream) for
newbies. I'm not seeing a lot of content on the conference topics for
beginners; sometimes it's hard to tell what the intended audience is
for a topic by the title, so if someone could have a look at that, it
would help.

 In the current document, we have 'bug fixing' as 'easy' - to me
anyone who can fix bugs isn't a linux noobie!  To me someone who can
fix code is advanced. So it might be helpful to clarify whether the
amateur home user non-programmer will want to attend. (Personally as
someone interested in Free Software and community development, yes;
but this is different to the home user who just wants to play with new
software or find out how to put Conky on his system.)

!!! PLEASE ----- Could someone have a scan through the presenters list
and make a note of any keynote/important speakers or interesting
personalities who should be mentioned. If you would list these for me
(along with a short line on who they are if you like), I can do a
quick google for some background on them too.

I'm just heading out for half an hour, when I get back I'll have the
whole day available to work on this so if you'd like to point me in
the right direction, hopefully I can churn out some good useful text
while you sleep!

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