Just as a proof-of-concept for document writing community success, see 
http://flossmanuals.net - easy to use, produces nice output, has a great 
community of contributors.  In terms of wiki-to-book, Wikipedia has had that 
for some time, and there are some nice examples out there: 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Books I'm sure there is a way to build on 
that model for openSUSE.

I have both the "good-writer-skill" and 
"I-like-to-fiddle-with-tools-which-produce-great-outcome", as Klaas puts it.  
But I also have to recognize which one of these others are as well, as a 
project manager or in a community leader roll.  It's the users that should 
define what is pursued here, I believe.  I think the wiki-to-book functionality 
should definitely be added to the openSUSE wiki as an option, and if it matured 
to a point where all the other features discussed in this thread could be 
produced, then all the better.  For now, I am still using Emacs to edit my 
openSUSE documents - but the older I get, the simpler I like things to be :)  I 
wouldn't turn away from a nice wiki that would squirt out a publish-ready 


Christian Bryant

>Couldn't we find people for these two groups instead:
>- Editors: People who work on content and deliver in which format they ever
>  want (nearly ;-) to
>- Book Builders: People who get the content from the Editors and work on
>  building a book with the best suited tool for that?
>Maybe it makes more sense to devide the "good-writer-skill" from the "I-like-
>to-fiddle-with-tools-which-produce-great-outcome" role?



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