On 2010-10-26 Jos wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need some creativity from you all. I've been asked by the UK linuxuser
> magazine people if I know anyone who could write technical tutorials (eg
> installing a L.i.f.e thin-client setup) of about 2000 words for them.
> There might be some payment but that's not a given - they have to eat too.
> So, we must have people in our community who, maybe with some writing help
> from us, could do this. How do we contact them? Does anyone have any ideas?
> I could obviously blog, or ask on -project, but I would like to hear your
> thoughs too.
> And if any of you would be willing to work with a techie on such an
> article, doing some editing and working on wording etc, step up now :D
> Cheers,
> Jos

As a FYI, it seems there is some misunderstanding around my mail - sorry for 
the sloppy wording:

The writing is for an UK magazine. You can demand at least a subscription for 
half a year or something if you write for them :D

As a matter of fact I will be writing a column for them and they want to 
feature openSUSE tutorials (and other articles!) in general - LIFE was just an 

Note that they are not the only ones seeking such input: I know of many 
magazines and sites where articles would get a decent spot. So anyone who 
enjoys writing, let me know and I hook you up. You should have noticed already 
know Helen South wrote a cool article on linux.com: 

And there is surely room for more articles on their site ;-)


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