On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:34 AM, Henne Vogelsang <hvo...@opensuse.org> wrote:
> Hey,
> On 27.10.2010 09:00, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
>> This is one of the priorities we discussed last week at our BoF and we
>> really need to go out into the community and over a long period of time
>> seek out qualified folks who can write such articles.
> I'm sorry i missed the BoF, it clashed with the appstore one, but i beg
> to disagree. Basically I think the openSUSE Marketing team needs to
> transition from an "call for action/organizing" to a "action" team. I
> also think, given the recent months, you're already half-way there. We
> need you guys to step up and make it happen.
> That means that with this opportunity to market openSUSE you need to
> come up with a prioritized list of things to write about (things YOU
> deem important) and then go ahead (individuals or as team) and write
> them. If you in the course of writing them need input or technical help
> you approach experts directly or ask specific things on the appropriate
> mailinglist/forum/whatever.
> The recent months have shown that to make blogposts, articles or
> announcements happen it needs the marketing team to take care of this
> and the success has shown that you are more than capable to deliver
> great media. I would like to strongly encourage you to explore this
> direction further!
> Henne
> P.S. Sorry if I come across as someone who is telling you what to do but
> i really really liked what you guys did so far. Don't stop now :)
> --
> Henne Vogelsang, openSUSE.
> Everybody has a plan, until they get hit.
>        - Mike Tyson
> --
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I love to be part of the team. I really enjoyed the chance I got this
summer. My problem is topic. If there is to be a team of writers,
please add my name. I work great when someone says here the topic and
here is when it needed by. If it left up to me, I am bad to roam.
Trust me I am working on 100 personal projects.

I am trying to do more with my blog so that I can get more experience.
I agree with Henne, we tend to be more talk than action on something.

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