On 2010-10-26 Helen wrote:
> Maybe need to poll a cross-section of developers and users and find
> out where their preferred points of contact are. IRC? A media mail
> list?

Well, I think developers can be best contacted on -project, at least I hope 
most devs are there. Unfortunately there have been some severe flamewars in 
the past and many might have left - we need, at some point, start a campaign 
to get them back in (and do something about the flamewars at the same time).

> What's happening with Pavol's social networking platform? I find the
> idea of some kind of in-house unified platform really appealing.
> Rather than having a bit on IRC, a bit on Facebook, and a dozen lists,
> if I had suseCafe open and it was all there in one place....

It would be even cooler if it would integrate all that stuff - having to 
tweet, dent, digg, like etc can be tiring :D
There are of course tools and connections between all our stuff but it'd be a 
nice addition.

Unfortunatly I managed to miss Pavol's presentation at the oSC and I bet he 
hates me now.

> I'm happy to edit anyone's tech articles for English and grammar. Feel
> free to pass on my email.

Thanks for volunteering!!!

> cheers
> Helen
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 8:05 AM, Jos Poortvliet <jospoortvl...@gmail.com> 
> >> > And if any of you would be willing to work with a techie on such an
> >> > article, doing some editing and working on wording etc, step up now :D
> >> 
> >> for Life I would ask 3 persons
> >> 
> >> 1. Lars Vogdt
> >> 2. Jan Weber
> >> 3. Jigish Gohil
> > 
> > It was just an example, there are plenty more... Where and how could we
> > best ask if people are interested in writing such articles?
> > 
> >> br gnokii
> >> 
> >> > Cheers,
> >> > Jos

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