
On 27.10.2010 09:00, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:

> This is one of the priorities we discussed last week at our BoF and we
> really need to go out into the community and over a long period of time
> seek out qualified folks who can write such articles.   

I'm sorry i missed the BoF, it clashed with the appstore one, but i beg
to disagree. Basically I think the openSUSE Marketing team needs to
transition from an "call for action/organizing" to a "action" team. I
also think, given the recent months, you're already half-way there. We
need you guys to step up and make it happen.

That means that with this opportunity to market openSUSE you need to
come up with a prioritized list of things to write about (things YOU
deem important) and then go ahead (individuals or as team) and write
them. If you in the course of writing them need input or technical help
you approach experts directly or ask specific things on the appropriate

The recent months have shown that to make blogposts, articles or
announcements happen it needs the marketing team to take care of this
and the success has shown that you are more than capable to deliver
great media. I would like to strongly encourage you to explore this
direction further!


P.S. Sorry if I come across as someone who is telling you what to do but
i really really liked what you guys did so far. Don't stop now :)

Henne Vogelsang, openSUSE.
Everybody has a plan, until they get hit.
        - Mike Tyson
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