
The openSUSE Marketing Team's Collaboration Days have concluded and
Pascal (yaloki) entered the final statement into our log files as we
closed up:

"we can be heroes, just for one day" - David Bowie

How fitting for us on days when so many marketing heroes stepped forward
to make Collaboration Days a success.  

I'm going to leave the report for today's Social Media collaboration day
to our fine moderators Manu Gupta and Jos Poortvliet to convey to you
all, but for me, I just want to make a general statement.  

You all did a wonderful job and proved that when we need to come
together, we can do it!  So many tasks were identified over the last 3
events this month and identified many things that we need to focus on in

So what's next?  To be sure, we will definitely plan special
Collaboration Days as the need arises within our team.  Hopefully not
with the intensity we faced this month with 3 weekly events, but still,
we learned what works and what doesn't work.   

The next tentative "collaboration day" is actually a face-to-face
hackfest which we are aiming for February.  We encourage you all to take
a look at  Soon
we will need to review the list of people who are interested and start
making concrete plans for organizing this event.

So what's next?  Over the next few days (taking some time to celebrate
the holidays of course), I will be compiling a grand list of Marketing
ToDos on our wiki that combine the items we did not finish on our
Collaboration days, other items not covered during the Days but still
important for us to do, and etc.  This will be an on-going living
reference list that helps us to quickly identify what each of us can and
want to do to complete the needs of the marketing team and supporting
the promotion of openSUSE.

Once I get this list started, I'll be encouraging you all to take a look
at the list and commenting/suggesting items to the list.  

In the meantime, please... Enjoy the holiday season, be safe, and come
back in 2011 strong, revitalized and energized!

Thank you all,
Bryen M Yunashko

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