On Thursday 23 December 2010 13:30:12 Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 13:02 +0100, S.Kemter wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch 22 Dezember 2010, 00:57:09 schrieb Jos Poortvliet:
> > > On Wednesday 22 December 2010 00:34:14 Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
> > > > Folks,
> > > > 
> > > > The openSUSE Marketing Team's Collaboration Days have concluded and
> > > > Pascal (yaloki) entered the final statement into our log files as we
> > > > closed up:
> > > > 
> > > > "we can be heroes, just for one day" - David Bowie
> > > > 
> > > > How fitting for us on days when so many marketing heroes stepped
> > > > forward to make Collaboration Days a success.
> > > 
> > > I want to echo this statement, thanks all - super work! Really
> > > appreciate it, although I'm almost falling asleep behind the keyboard
> > > now ;-)
> > > 
> > > > I'm going to leave the report for today's Social Media collaboration
> > > > day to our fine moderators Manu Gupta and Jos Poortvliet to convey
> > > > to you all, but for me, I just want to make a general statement.
> > > > 
> > > > You all did a wonderful job and proved that when we need to come
> > > > together, we can do it!  So many tasks were identified over the last
> > > > 3 events this month and identified many things that we need to focus
> > > > on in 2011.
> > > > 
> > > > So what's next?  To be sure, we will definitely plan special
> > > > Collaboration Days as the need arises within our team.  Hopefully not
> > > > with the intensity we faced this month with 3 weekly events, but
> > > > still, we learned what works and what doesn't work.
> > > > 
> > > > The next tentative "collaboration day" is actually a face-to-face
> > > > hackfest which we are aiming for February.  We encourage you all to
> > > > take a look at
> > > > http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:11.4_Marketing_Hackfest  Soon we
> > > > will need to review the list of people who are interested and start
> > > > making concrete plans for organizing this event.
> > > 
> > > Yes, please, ppl, anyone who would WANT to come and contribute - just
> > > put your name there. Don't think about cost or whether the date works
> > > for you - we will figure that out later. ADD YOUR NAME IF YOU WANT TO
> > > 
> > > Of course we can't fly 20 ppl over from India or the USA if we do it in
> > > Europe. But we don't have to do it in Europe, if it's cheaper to do it
> > > in the USA then that's where it'll be. And we have budget. The hotel
> > > will be free, I surely pay for that, the travel depends on how much
> > > you need it, how many ppl need it etc - but we will try to help as
> > > many ppl to come as possible!
> > 
> > first of all, I hate what u doing here talking in an other thread about
> > an other thing!
> > 
> > You should make a decision where, I mean psankar need  a visa and thats
> > not so easy for the indian guys, thats why he wrote later is better.
> > For myself if u come on the idea to make it in US, then I am sure I need
> > travel support same I think for Bruno I dont think he pays then, the
> > travel costs self!
> > And btw. I would need a passport for US that take me 2 months
> > or faster I have to pay more and get a green one and then I need a visa.
> > 
> > br gnokii
> - As a hackfest is a collaboration event, they are indeed related
> topics.
> - Jos and I have already discussed directly with PSankar the issue of
> visas from India and looking at ways we can help him with the visa.  We
> know it is not an easy challenge and all of that is being taken into
> consideration.
> - As stated multiple times, nothing is final yet.  We need first to know
> who is interested in participating in the hackfest period, and then we,
> as a team, can explore how dates work best for the most people and the
> location that is ideal.  Europe has been proposed, United States has
> been proposed, and possibly other locations will be proposed before the
> team, as a whole, decides where to go.
> - While I understand you and others have some time limits for obtaining
> a passport, that is something that we are going to keep in mind.
> Regarding visas, Europeans do not need a visa in order to visit the
> United States, for 90 days or less.  so you don't need to worry about
> that for yourself.
> http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/without/without_1990.html#countries
> Obviously I cannot tell you what to do about passport applications.   My
> feeling is that its always good to have a passport handy to make future
> events more possible.  Let's face it, we're in the open source world and
> there's always something coming up that gives us an opportunity to
> travel outside of our boundaries.  Having a passport, which usually is
> valid for up to 10 years, makes this easier for future needs.


> Bryen

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