Hi boosters,

The marketing team has been brainstorming on how to give ambassadors a 
tad more attention in openSUSE; motivate them to make a bit more noise; 
and reward them for what they do.

Now we have a few ideas, but for one, we thought it might make sense to 
use connect. Yes, it could probably be done via the wiki and other ways 
but I know you guys have a hammer and might see this as a nail :D

*what is the problem*
the ambassadors _sometimes_ create event reports. We want those reports 
for several reasons:
- to have an idea of what they are doing
- to measure how much we do
- to motivate others
- to SHOW what we do

Unfortunately, not so many event reports are made although we're fairly 
sure many events have openSUSE attendance. This is due to several 
issues. *First*, not all ambassadors are so connected to us - many are 
not 'official ambassador' or their English skills are minimal and they 
are not internationally involved. I will send a follow-up mail with 
ideas on how to solve that.
*Second*, filling in an event report on the wiki is not exactly easy for 
many. Some send one by mail - which is fine but leaves little record.
*Third*, the reports receive little visibility. They are mentioned 
somewhere in the weekly news if you're lucky and of course on the 
marketing ML, but that's it pretty much. Numbers in it are not saved, we 
don't realy do anything with it as there is no real easy record.

*The solution?*
Ideally, the reports would end up in a central place, some database... 
And ideally, they would be connected to the ambassadors - so they can 
build up a trackrecord of events they have visited. Once we have this we 
can also show reports on eg news.o.o in a feed box on the side for 
example, or on our homepage. We can analyze and use statistics (for 
promo), promote events, do monthly articles - all kinds of things.

We have an events page on en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassador_events 
which suffers from similar issues - most people don't create a page 
because it is not easy and not localized.

In short. We wonder - would Connect not offer a much better way of 
handeling events, event reports and the like? Would it not offer a 
better place for ambassador user accounts (with associated event reports 
as track records)? Culd it offer an easy place for ambassadors to add 
info for an event and afterwards add a report & pictures which we can 
then display in the planet feed (localized, if needed)?

In case you think this is relevant, chuck and manu might have some time 
to help with this both in 'how to do it' (I would also love to think 
abou that) and the doing itself.


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