
I'm sending this to both the marketing and artwork mailing lists as an
action item from the openSUSE Conference Program Committee's last

In a nutshell, we have two names proposed for the Conference:
"Collaboration Across Borders II" and "rwxrwxrwx" (or rwx3) which is a
play on the read-write-execute permissions of the Linux file systems.
While the Program Committee will ultimately choose which one to select,
we felt it was fair to talk to both the marketing and artwork teams to
hear which ones you consider more feasible for marketability.

To the Marketing Team:  Think about what would be the pros and cons of
marketing the conference for each of the names.  

For the artwork team:  Think about the potential designs you could work
with for each name.  E.g. t-shirts, posters, banners.  You can even do
mockups if you wish, but please don't spend a lot of time making up
design proposals because I wouldn't want to see your work go to waste if
we go a different way.

You can read my thoughts on the naming choices for some personal insight
on my blog at  And I would
suggest also reading Yaloki's summary (and meeting log) to get a fuller
idea of our own pros and cons for each name.

I'll gather up your thoughts and concerns and present them to the team
at our next meeting this Thursday.

Thanks teams!

Bryen M Yunashko

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