Hi all!!!

With some delay, the rename has been decided upon and I wrote a draft 
announcement. Part of it has to be added still (the paragraph on the bottom 
and the quotes from other parties) but otherwise it is ready for your input.

SUSE will do a simultaneous announcement on the rename but focussed more on 
the fact they'll start to provide support for OBS from the 2.3 release 

Reminder: you promised to fix the wiki & help fix the OBS website. Adrian has 
set up a new site:

There is a placeholder text which needs your input! Send a replacement text or 
use an etherpad to work on one?!? ;-)

openSUSE renames OBS

The openSUSE Build Service team has decided to rename its cutting-edge 
packaging- and distribution build technology to Open Build Service. The new 
name, while maintaining the well-known OBS acronym, signals its open and 
cross-distribution nature.

The history
The openSUSE Buildservice started out as an internal SUSE technology. In XXXX 
it was decided to open its source code and development process. From that point 
on, the scope of the openSUSE Build Service started to widen. First, with the 
additions of the XXXX build targets, later expanding to the current 21 build 
targets on 6 architectures. Support for more linux distributions is coming and 
Windows support being experimented with. But while 'OBS' is meant for a much 
wider audience than openSUSE, being used by projects and companies like VLC, 
MeeGo, Dell and many others, its name signals still a distribution-specific 

OBS is an unique piece of technology and certainly deserves to be known and 
used by a wide audience. Its features like integration with Source Code 
Management systems including GIT and Subversion and powerful collaboration 
features make the public instance on build.opensuse.org the preferred build 
technology for well over 27,000 users.

In communication about OBS its apparently openSUSE-specific nature can be a 
deterrent. It clearly takes additional effort to convince a potential user that 
despite the name, the openSUSE Build Service is not <em>just</em> for openSUSE 
but a distribution-independent technology. This effect is very apparent in face 
to face communication as you'll almost immediately hear others saying "No, I'm 
a Fedora user, sorry" when they hear about OBS. But the same effect leads to 
less people reading articles or visiting talks.

As our openSUSE ambassadors around the world have been stepping up our 
communication and promotion around OBS, they have noticed this effect. After 
some discussion on the international marketing mailing list it was decided to 
recommend the OBS team to rename their technology to Open Build Service. This 
would retain the OBS acronym and excellent search engine position at the slight 
expense of a weakened link between the openSUSE community, where OBS 
originated, and the Build Service.

But it would clearly signal the open and collaborative nature of OBS and allow 
OBS to spread its wings and reach an even wider audience, benefiting all of 
Free Software.

So after ample deliberation and discussion with all the major stakeholders, the 
OBS team has decided to rename the openSUSE Build Service to Open Build 
Service. It is and will remain an openSUSE project, with significant 
contributions from SUSE and openSUSE community members as well as many others 
from communities like MeeGo and VLC but also be more clear about its 
cross-distribution, cross-project goals and ambitions.

The branding part of OBS will be adapted to make it easy for projects deploying 
their own OBS to name their OBS while staying connected with the OBS project. 
We suggest to name a project-specific OBS instance "XXX Open Build Service", 
like "VLC Open Build Service".

<insert "we love OBS and the rename" quotes from MeeGo, VLC etc here>

Enterprise support
Meanwhile, SUSE Linux Products GmbH has announced SUSE OBS Developer Support, 

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