Dear All

I have been offered a unique chance to promote openSUSE here in the UK, a few 
months ago a new FREE newspaper appeared on the streets of London its name is 
Laissez Faire.

I have been offered a full page expose on openSUSE instroducing the software 
and an editorial on the background of it. 

The issue will be launched on the 1st June 2011.

Laissez Faire, is an Arts based newspaper which is looking to focus on the 
Innovation side of Linux. Not that Linux is new, but we do constantly come up 
with new software and innovative solutions for its use.  Also because the idea 
of Linux is quite new to people they may also see this as innovative.

Following on from the months Article, the owner has promised me three to four 
/ ongoing features on openSUSE to continue to promote it over windows.

This as I am sure you are aware could potentially help push awareness of 
openSUSE here in the UK where we are lagging way behind ubuntu as #1 
alternative to Windows.

In order to get all this promotion, the owner of the newspaper has asked me to 
take out 1 full page advertisement in his newspaper which costs 700 pounds 
plus vat @ 20% this is 840 pounds in total.

If I ignore all my monthly bills and skip everything for one month and catchup 
next month, I can currently raise about 500 pounds toward the cost, maybe more 
depending on if anybody depends to purchase a retail box this week.

Would the community or any individual be able to assist me with this one time 

The bill needs to be paid on 31st May 2011, so there is not much time.

I really hope something works to be able to pay for this advertising because 
it has the potential (with a distribution of 15,000 copies and each copy read 
on average 3 times) to reach a potential audience of 45,000 Londoners.

And of those, if other newspapers / journalists pick up on it, then its 
possible that we could then move onto other things.


Kind Regards
Stuart Tanner

Bolton Linux
Delivering openSUSE Retail to the UK

24 Vincent Street

Tel: +44-1204-410474
Mob: +44-7868-028028
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