On 15.02.2012 13:17, Kim Leyendecker wrote:
> On 14.02.2012 19:25, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
>> On Friday 10 February 2012 19:14:41 Bryen M Yunashko wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2012-02-10 at 22:18 +0000, Richard Brown wrote:
>>>> Howdy Kim,
>>>> If you mention the fact that M1 has revised branding, you might want to
>>>> also mention it is a work in progress, and if people want to contribute
>>>> with feedback, comments, ideas, or even their own improvements, please
>>>> point them in the direction of opensuse-artwork ML and IRC
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Richard/Ilmehtar
>>>>>>> Kim Leyendecker  02/10/12 9:22 PM >>>
>>>> Howdy y'all
>>>> As Coolo announced M1 today[1], we should think about a release
>>>> anouncemnt. Did anyone write something already? If not, I'd step up
>>>> tomorrow and write an article about it.
>>>> any ideas, wishes etc?
>>>> thanks,
>>>>         --kdl
>>> I agree with Richard.  The fact that people on -factory ML already
>>> noticed and commented about the new artwork so early is evidence its
>>> newsworthy.
>>> As with past announcements, we need to make sure the article inspires
>>> people to try it, test it, and report bugs by showing links to wiki
>>> pages about how to report.
>>> You could also take a look at the list AJ is currently forming about
>>> what features people can begin to look forward to in 12.2.  The list is
>>> still a work in progress, but its a starting point.
>>> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Major_features
>>> You don't need to go into a big spiel about what 12.2 is going to be.
>>> Just enough to whet their appetites before the big release.   We slowly
>>> but surely increase the noise with each pre-release.  :-)
>> Kim, anything in progress where I might contribute?
>> Cool that you took this on, btw :D
> http://news.opensuse.org/?p=12703&preview=true
> That's what I got so far. It's not that much, maybe somebody could add
> some nice pictures, if possible.
> And maybe Coolo could give a brief overview about M1's changes? I'd be
> very glad if you could do that!
Not really. M1 is worth several months of development.

Greetings, Stephan

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