On Fri, 2012-02-10 at 22:18 +0000, Richard Brown wrote:
> Howdy Kim,
> If you mention the fact that M1 has revised branding, you might want to also 
> mention it is a work in progress, and if people want to contribute with 
> feedback, comments, ideas, or even their own improvements, please point them 
> in the direction of opensuse-artwork ML and IRC
> Cheers
> Richard/Ilmehtar
> >>> Kim Leyendecker  02/10/12 9:22 PM >>>
> Howdy y'all
> As Coolo announced M1 today[1], we should think about a release
> anouncemnt. Did anyone write something already? If not, I'd step up
> tomorrow and write an article about it.
> any ideas, wishes etc?
> thanks,
>         --kdl

I agree with Richard.  The fact that people on -factory ML already
noticed and commented about the new artwork so early is evidence its

As with past announcements, we need to make sure the article inspires
people to try it, test it, and report bugs by showing links to wiki
pages about how to report.

You could also take a look at the list AJ is currently forming about
what features people can begin to look forward to in 12.2.  The list is
still a work in progress, but its a starting point.


You don't need to go into a big spiel about what 12.2 is going to be.
Just enough to whet their appetites before the big release.   We slowly
but surely increase the noise with each pre-release.  :-)

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Project

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