jdd wrote:
Marcus Rueckert wrote:
On 2006-06-11 12:06:03 -0500, Rajko M wrote:

I'm looking support for http://en.opensuse.org/Frontpage_redesign project.

and you should remember:

This is a wiki... something like "less menu entries just for the
startpage" is not possible.


we are not obliged to have a wiki page as start page (I don't see it's a good idea)

Agree that start page could be normal web page, as wiki Main is anyway locked, so wiki does not give any advantage over classic web design.

Wiki only is very simple, and no one wants to run into unnecessary technical and organizational problems. I think that Markus can give us some idea what can be expected if classic web page will serve as a start point. To me it seems simple linking to wikis, but ...

BTW, we should start to analyze present design first and then make decision. I'm collecting opinions and I'll try to make digest.

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