
Am Dienstag, 25. Juli 2006 16:55 schrieb Frank Sundermeyer:
> On Tuesday 25 July 2006 16:29, houghi wrote:
> > I don't like the idea of a splash screen.
> well, I am double-minded on this topic. I really don't know. I just
> made a splash screen because it was suggested.

In general, I like the idea of a splash screen to select the language.

However, I would prefer to arrange the languages in a circle around the 
openSUSE logo instead of putting them into the corners (as proposed on 
and http://en.opensuse.org/Image:Sample_Splash.png)

About the colors: I like your proposal most, but would change:
- the "SUSE" in "openSUSE" to the usual dark green
- "Please select a language" to white (or completely remove it)

> > I still believe that first
> > a cookie must deal with the language. If that is not available then
> > the browser and if that fails, then go to the en page.
> So, sorry, but I will not implement _any_ language magic on
> opensuse.org. Just let the user decide which language he/she wants

I agree that any magic based on the AcceptLanguage browser setting or 
alike is evil. While my browser says that I prefer german, I mostly 
visit en.opensuse.org because it is the most complete wiki.

On the other hand, I prefer to type "opensuse.org/somepage" instead of 
"en.opensuse.org/somepage" in my browser (hey, I can save 3 keystrokes 
this way ;-)

What about the following idea for www.opensuse.org:
- do not do any automatic language redirect
- except: if the user has actively chosen it - this means to have a
  "choose prefered language" page that sets a cookie _on user request_.
  (This cookie should only cause a redirect on www.opensuse.org, not on
  $lang.opensuse.org, of course.)


Christian Boltz
Das einzige Instrument, das ich beherrsche, ist MP3-Player.
[Kristian Köhntopp]

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