
the latest FPR (Front page redesign ;-)) ) thread is starting to get 
complex, so with new proposals (stage 2), I am starting a new thread. 
Hope it's OK for you - this way it will definitely be easier for me to 
assign your comments to the correct proposal(s).
For this very reason, I would like to separate threads concerning the 
Home page and the Splash screen, too.

This is about the homepage.

Enough "disclaiming" ;), here are two new proposals:

1. http://www.suse.de/~fs/opensuse/home.html
2. http://www.suse.de/~fs/opensuse/home_jdd.html

The old (aka yesterday's) proposal is now located at


on 1.)

- changed the width of the columns - the left column is less wide now
  (requested by jdd
- added/changed the links in "Getting openSUSE" (requested by houghi) 
- replaced "Other languages (box)" with "Article of the Month"
  (requested by jdd, darix and houghi)
- added the [[openSUSE:Browse]] link to the left nav (called 
  it "Sitemap", not sure if this is fortunate)
- re-arranged the links in the topnav (requested by houghi) and added
  padding to the left (requested by peter)

on 2.)

- contains all the changes of 1.) plus jdd's proposal not to split the
  content related navigation between top and left nav:
  * moved the "Participation" links from top nav to left nav. Therefore 
    had to create another section (Participate), otherwise 
    the "openSUSE" link list would be too long
  * moved the "Personal" links into the top nav
  * moved the page headline and content 1.2em up ;-))

Things I did not implement, because ...

- removing the Wiki Toolbox from the left nav:
  This was implemented when we started openSUSE way back last year. The 
  toolbox only showed up when a user was logged in. We changed it to be
  visible all the time on public demand

- moving interwiki links to some less prominent place
  I am against it because of two reasons:
  * when reading an article on the English openSUSE web, a user
    can easily see wether this article is available in his/her language
    or not. So a user can quickly switch the language on a certain 
    article without having to search/scroll for the language links
  * almost the same goes for translators/would be translators. With the 
    current position it's easier to see whether an article needs to be 
    translated or not
  What's more - with the current labeling ("In other languages") it is
  very clear which purpose this set of links serves, so I do not see 
  that it confuses the user (same goes for the Wiki toolbox)

- removed the green headline boxes in the center content
  I really liked them (copied from wikipedia), IMHO they add a bit of 
  eye candy to the page. Apart from that, they are only used as 
  headlines of special topics rather than headlines of linklists.
- green border around left menu
  Technically not possible with the current layout. We would have to 
  give up the end-to-end green bar (as it is now on en.opensuse.org).
  Apart from that, it does not look good -IMHO.

- changed font sizes
  Currently all font related styles are wikipedia (monobook) default.
  I'd like to stick with them. 

If you think different, let me know. 

A note on the content:
I just took what I thought was reasonable. I f you would like to see 
other topics, different wording, etc., tell me.

BTW: (A) new proposal(s) for the splash screen will follow, stay 
tuned ;)


Frank Sundermeyer, SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
Tel: +49-911-74053-0, Fax: +49-911-7417755;  http://www.novell.com/
"Reality is always controlled by the people who are most insane" Dogbert

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