
on Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007, Frank Sundermeyer wrote:
> http://www.suse.de/~fs/opensuse/download/
> We got a lot of feedback from users who were confused by the existing
> download page, so we decided to use JavaScript to make the page
> interactive. 

Good idea!

It was already mentioned that the final download links are not visible 
enough. Just another idea:

- add another chooser "select media" which offers "DVD" and "CDs"
  (or integrate this in the "download method" section)
- move the links to a section named "download"

This way you could also easily clarify the content of the DVD - simply 
offer the link to the DVD + the language Add-On CD.

> For users having deactivated JavaScript the old download 
> interface will still be present.

I don't really like the current <noscript> message

    You need JavaScript enabled to use the download selector. If you'd
    like to download directly (without JavaScript), please use the 
    non-interactive download table..

Why don't you simply include the download table directly? (+ maybe a 
notice that it would be less confusing with JavaScript)

Some things I miss, compared to the old download table:
- the MD5SUMs
- links to the repositories 
  http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/10.2/repo/*/  [1]
- the footnotes from current http://download.opensuse.org

Were they just forgotten or did you drop them intentionally?

To sum up my proposal:

* the "download method" selector should IMHO offer:
  - Standard (ftp or http) - CDs
  - Standard (ftp or http) - DVD
  - BitTorrent
  - Network installation

* the "Choose a media type" section should be renamed to "Download"
  and only show the following links:
  - Standard - CDs: links to the 5 CDs + Add-On + language Add-On + MD5
  - Standard - DVD: links to the 5 CDs + language Add-On + MD5
  - BitTorrent: keep as is - or split it to DVD and CD also
  - Network installation: mini-CD (incl. MD5) and the 10.2/repo/* repos


Christian Boltz

[1] I would add them as separate download method "direct installation 
    from the internet" or alike. And I would put the Network 
    installation mini-CD into that category too.

>>Mir sind genug NT - Admins mit Gehaeltern ab 150 KDM bekannt, die 
>>weniger von NT wissen als ich  -  und das ist _sehr_ wenig.
>NT-Admins werden wie Bundestagsabgeordnete bezahlt?
Wo kriegt man so Angebote? Gibt es irgendwo einen MCSE-Straßenstrich?
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