On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Christoph Thiel wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Aschwin Marsman wrote:


Thanks for your quick reply.

> > That's not my point, I know they did test on both KDE and GNOME, but I 
> > can't see ximian as an unbiased entity when you are doing those tests. 
> Please note, that the test persons were volunteers (not Novell/Ximian 
> employees)!
I know, but somebody has to do the analysis.
> > Have they developed improvements for KDE since Novell took them over?
> That's not their job - they are supposed to work on GNOME.


> > But what about specific installation tooling and new applications: I 
> > don't hope Novell is creating a Yast specific for GNOME, one for KDE and 
> > one written in MONO?
> Please, don't try to act naive! YaST isn't bound to KDE or GNOME - why 
> should we reinvent the wheel?
Because YaST is currently based on Qt, it wouldn't feel native in GNOME.
> > As a usability example: I would like to have the ability to make some 
> > improvements (in my opinion) to e.g. you: When downloading the patches 
> > and everything went will I don't want to press the Finish button myself, 
> > I would like a checkbox that gives me the option to specify the 
> > behaviour I described above. When will development be open for these 
> > kind of issues, and who will decide if a proposed patch will be included 
> > or not?
> The development is already open - just use Bugzilla to interact with the 
> YaST developers on this. But please note, that there will be quite some 
> redevelopment on the YaST2 Packagemanager + YOU for 10.1...

That depends on your definition of open: using Bugzilla to report a bug
or issue a feature request is usefull, but open development to me would
be that I can take the source, make a patch which does what I would like
and sent that to a mailing list for discussion/review. Do we have that
kind of openess already? Is it supposed to be like that in the (near)

> Regards
>       Christoph
Have a nice weekend,
Aschwin Marsman
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