Per Jessen wrote:
houghi wrote:

On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 02:47:50PM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:

I'm not.  I am thinking for instance France, Britain, Scandinavia,
Switzerland, Belgium etc.  I think it's a pretty safe bet that ADSL
is available to perhaps 95% of people in Northern/Central Europe.

That is a bet you are going to loose. For Belgium it is about 75% and
Belgium is one of the highest in the world. Availablity is not the
same as people actually using it.

Belgium's 75% availability is pretty low - even the UK reached 90% about
two years ago. I did say "available to", _not_ "in use by".

France is far from this. I have many friends with phone modem or ISDN.

but the discussion is worthless.

what is interesting, is solutions. I see many:

* as I said, send 1 source dvd for 10 boxes to dealers or at least brokers. cheap and at hand for the user.

* ask dealers to download the source dvd for a small fee

* direct users to the LUGs, most have power users that can make disks for friends (solution most used here)



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