On Tuesday 14 November 2006 01:09, JJ Gitties wrote:
> what you are seeing here is blind SUSE and Novell support. Blindly
> supproting SUSE I can kind of understand. But blindly supporting Novell
> corp I can't. I will assume that these people were not around or did not
> bother to dig up all the dirt on Novell when they were the major force in
> the IT industury and used to bitch slap and swallow any small companies
> that stood in their way.

I am blindly waiting for you to go over to the Red Hat mailing lists and start 
screaming about their contracts with IBM, who did far worse than anyone, 
including Microsoft, in their day

I also fail to see why you have taken it upon yourself to be a one-man mission 
to shout down anyone who says "wait and see".

Incidentally, anyone who believes that a company that employs Greg 
Kroah-Hartman would boldly go out and violate the GPL, must be more than a 
little deranged.

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