On Saturday 30 December 2006 22:32, Hubertus A. Haniel wrote:
> Kai Ponte wrote:
> > On Saturday 30 December 2006 18:07, James Knott wrote:
> >> Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> >>> James Knott wrote:
> >>>> Whenever I boot my notebook computer, after installing 10.2, I get
> >>>> those "Marching Penguins".
> >>>
> >>> The screen is programmed to be randomly shown.
> >>>
> >>>> While they may have been cute around Christmas,
> >>>> they're beginning to wear thin.  Is there any simple way to get rid of
> >>>> them?
>  Since I have installed 10.2 on my
> machine I have seen nothing else but the X-mas screen (OK It has only
> been 4 days). I have never seen the "X-mas egg" on the betas I was
> running. - 

I recall seeing the Christmas splash on several older versions at various 

> I guess the easiest way to disable it would be to put grub 
> into text mode or replace the /boot/message stuff (cpio archive) but as
> I don't intend to reboot this machine as often i will just live with it.

That's what I did for several servers that don't have monitors connected....

> - I guess a simple flag or an alternative /boot/message file which is
> more enterprise like on the install media would be a nice option to stop
> these arguments.

...but for my own system I'd like to see the glitz more often.  If there a way 
to explicitly turn on the Christmas display?  I looked in my /boot and there 
are no *.xpm  or  *.xpm.gz files per the previously posted web page 
directions. Where does SuSE keep the Christmas boot screen?
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