On Wednesday 14 March 2007 04:35, Stevens wrote:
> Look, Mac, when a non-guru like my daughter or son-in-law runs into
> roadblocks like these, they don't have (and should not need) the expertise
> it takes to hammer out a command line workaround. The system should just
> work. No muss, no fuss, just work. And there are really important (to lots
> of folks) parts of Suse 10.2 that don't. At least they don't here. 

What's wrong with that?
All the above says is that some of the edges need to be smoothed. But it seems 
that the development team has not addressed that and apparently there is an 
attitude about it on this list and perhaps on some on the developers.  Yet a 
simple indicator is the number of threads with similar content:update issues, 
usb, smb, menu, etc. If these issues were addressed the same way the new kde 
menu was, there would be a lot more happiness. 
examples? there are quite a few, and really it is not a matter of proper app 
choice. Sometimes there is only one choice.  My wife should have no problem 
sending the fresh digicam pics to her xp machine from my 10.2, it is very 
frustrating that linux saiz she needs a login and a password when she can 
just walk to the next desk and pull the same pics, from the same shared linux 
directory, thru her xp, WITHOUT so much as a hint of a requirement for a 
pword or login!!! Yes, I have fixed that, BUT, that's not how the *default* 
install was!!! 
On the other hand I have not been able to fix the mplayer/flash/java roll of 
the dice with on line video. While this might also fall under the simple 
click and work category, I do not think that would be as easily fixable as 
Fred would like. But it should be considered a sin if the easy "fixes" are 
not imlemented.
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