On Wednesday 14 March 2007 18:03, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> I don't really have any idea (nor do I care) what it would take to make
> Linux displace Windows or give it a comparable share of users to Mac OS
> X. I don't need anything from Linux that it does not already have in
> order to make it invaluable to me in my day-to-day work. 

This is the essence of the attitude of which I wrote earlier. I could not 
have expressed it better.

> We probably should not want any one operating system, be it proprietary,
> open-source or a hybrid, to displace all others. Monopolies and
> monocultures have bad consequences by their inherent nature.

Very true. Just as tool boxes are full of both metric and SAE sockets 
here, as well as phillips and slotted head screwdrivers.

> You claim that Linux's continued existence is contingent upon it
> satisfying the needs of non-technical users of computers. 

I didn't but it is an interesting point. What satisfying their needs would 
do is allow Linux to make inroads into a massively M$ world. As it stands 
now, it ain't ready for prime time. Close, but still no cigar.


By the way, I just spent 4 more hours trying to get the mplayer, 
mplayerplug-in and Firefox to work together and it still does not.

This weekend I will flush 10.2 out of my daughter's puter and install 
FC-6/KDE and see what that does. If everything starts working after that. 
it is a good indication that there is something fundamentally wrong in 
I'll report back with the results, probably the first part of next week.

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