On Mar 19, 07 12:50:12 -0500, M Harris wrote:
> Double Linked List Patented in 2006
>       see Slashdot today,
>       http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/7028023.html
>       Well, well. If this doesn't prove that the United States Patent Office 
> (not 
> to mention the clucks at Cochran Freund & Young LLP) are absolutely and 
> completely incompetent with regard to issuing software patents.
>       Software Patents *must* Die
>       Just to keep things on-topic, Cochran Freund & Young LLP are going to 
> be 
> coming after Suse Novell for extensively using doubly linked lists in most of 
> their open sofware... sorry guys, you won't be able to hide under the M$ 
> deal.   ;-P
>       *strictly tongue in cheek*

When exactly was that invented again?  2006? *LOL*
Come on.  They cannot say 'yelp' as fast as we can say 'prior art'.


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