On Monday 19 March 2007 18:50, M Harris wrote:
> Double Linked List Patented in 2006
>       see Slashdot today,
>       http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/7028023.html
>       Well, well. If this doesn't prove that the United States Patent Office
> (not to mention the clucks at Cochran Freund & Young LLP) are absolutely
> and completely incompetent with regard to issuing software patents.
>       Software Patents *must* Die
>       Just to keep things on-topic, Cochran Freund & Young LLP

They don't own the patent. They are the attorneys. The patent is owned by LSI

And yes, it looks totally silly

>       are going to be 
> coming after Suse Novell for extensively using doubly linked lists in most
> of their open sofware... sorry guys, you won't be able to hide under the M$
> deal.   ;-P

Novell never had to. Novell has enough patents of its own to be able to 
counter-sue anyone into the ground (the stated purpose of the patent 
portfolio is to be able to defend against just such spurious patent idiocies)

But of course it isn't going to happen. LSI is a valid business, and not a 
patent marauder

What I really wish though, is that the US legal system changed, so that the 
losing party in such a law suit had to pay legal costs for the winner. If we 
can't get rid of patents, I'm pretty sure such a move would get rid of the 
idiotic law suits. Any banker in the world would back anyone to defend 
against patents like this, if the attacker had to pay the costs when they 

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