On Monday 19 March 2007 16:00, Tom Horsley wrote:
> > For example, does it occur in standard textboooks on computer
> > programming and data structures? Is there long-standing open
> > source software in which it may be found?
> Well, it is essentially the way all relational databases work, so
> they should clearly sue Oracle for a million billion zillion dollars.
        The patent is actually a description of what IBM's e-Series relational 
database does with logical files (and the AS400 before that, and previous to 
that the System 38). 

        The system's files are stored as physical and logical files... physical 
comprising data and an access path... and logical files comprised of *only* 
an access path. 

        So they should be able to sue IBM for a million billion zillion dollars 

        *again, totally tongue in check... ok and ROTFLOL.....*   :-))))

        The really silly thing here is that *anyone* even remotely connected 
with the 
computer science field would see this *patent* application not only as 
previous art... but also very obvious... and my main point is that how in the 
world can the United States Patent Office be relied upon to judge *any* 
software patent application? There are just some things that mediocrity 
should not attempt even after passing a civil servant examination... period.

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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